Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG)
GPSG includes representatives elected from the business, divinity, environment, graduate, law, medical, and nursing schools. These schools make up almost half of Duke’s student body. GPSG acts as a liaison between students and the university administration and appoints representatives to many university and trustee committees. GPSG also plans interdepartmental and interschool social events.
Social Events
GPSG organizes several social events throughout the year with free food and drink that give graduate and professional students the opportunity to meet other students outside of their departments and schools. Some of these activities include tailgate parties before home football games and the UNC men’s basketball game, discount nights at local bars, and much more! Check out the GPSG home page or watch for flyers and emails announcing upcoming events.
Campout/Men’s Basketball Tickets
GPSG is in charge of distributing tickets for the men’s basketball games. The way that GPSG allocates tickets is through an important Duke graduate school tradition called “Campout.” Students convene for 48 straight hours on-campus to show their love for Duke Basketball and win the chance to enter the graduate student basketball season ticket lottery. Of those who participate, generally more than half of the students are eligible to purchase basketball season tickets. Each pass costs $200 for all twenty home games. If you complete the campout requirements, which include random checks day and night, your name is placed in the lottery. For every year that you participate in Campout but do not receive tickets, you receive better odds of receiving tickets in future years’ Campout. We invite you to participate in this year’s basketball ticket campout. If you cannot attend the campout, it is possible to apply for an exemption.
Sustainable Duke
Sustainable Duke‘s (DUGI) mission is to increase the sustainability of Duke’s campus by encouraging the implementation of environmentally sensitive activities, such as green building, recycling competitions, and creative reuse.
Graduate and Professional Women’s Network (GPWN)
The Graduate and Professional Women’s Network has three goals: the first is to unite women from different graduate departments and professional schools within a supportive peer network. Second, GPWN offers programs concerning the isolation and gender discrimination that often characterize women’s graduate and professional school careers. GPWN’s main project is the Educational and Professional Development Dinner Discussion Series. Meet students from different departments, discuss issues of common concern, and enjoy a free meal. Come to one dinner or the entire series. Bring a friend!
Finally, the group seeks to improve the campus climate for women graduate and professional students. For more information, contact To subscribe to the mailing list, e-mail the message “subscribe gradwomen” (without quotation marks) to:
Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture
An excellent resource for African and African American students, as well as a gathering place for all students interested in increasing their awareness of Black Culture. The Center sponsors many events throughout the year.
Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
The mission of the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity is to provide education, advocacy, support, and space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and straight-allied students, staff, and faculty at Duke, as well as alumnae and members of neighboring communities. Through its services, the Center presents educational, cultural, and social opportunities for all students, faculty, staff, and alumnae to challenge intolerance and to create a more hospitable campus climate.