Hire a MIDS Student

Summer Interns

Are you seeking interns for summer 2024? The Duke Master in Interdisciplinary Data Science (MIDS) program resume book for students in the Class of 2024 is now available. Please contact MIDS program staff directly to receive a free copy and/or to promote any opportunities you have directly with our students.

All students enrolled in MIDS are required to complete an internship during the summer between their first and second academic years. MIDS students will get the opportunity to learn from you, gain experience, and build a strong professional network. Our program focuses not only on tech skills, but also the professional skills necessary to be an integral part of your summer project team.

Duke MIDS is a STEM accredited program and our international students are eligible for Curricular Practical Training (CPT).

Full-time Employment for Graduates

Are you an employer seeking to hire a data scientist in 2024? The Duke Master in Interdisciplinary Data Science (MS) Class of 2024 resume book is now available. Please contact MIDS program staff directly to receive a free copy and/or to promote any opportunities you have directly with our students. We are also happy to advertise positions within our alumni network.

Duke MIDS is a STEM accredited program and our international students are eligible for up to 3 years or 36 months of Optional Practical Training (OPT).

Recruitment Policy and Guidelines

The Duke Master in Interdisciplinary Data Science (MIDS) program operates under the principles outlined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) in its Professional Standards for University Relations and Recruiting and expects all recruiting partners and employers to operate under these principles as well. Regardless of whether an employer takes part in on-campus or virtual Duke MIDS activities, the employer will be in partnership with MIDS and bound by the principles and policies outlined below. It is recommended these policies be communicated to recruiters, interviewers, hiring managers, and representatives. These recruiting principles and job offer policies help to create an equitable process for all members of the MIDS community involved in recruiting – current students, alumni, and employer recruiting partners. MIDS’s facilities and services are available only to employers whose practices are consistent with the principles and policies outlined in this document. Violation of these policies will likely impact your organization’s reputation with Duke MIDS students and may involve sanctions imposed by MIDS.

Academic Obligations

Students should not be expected to sacrifice academic obligations, including class time, for a recruiting event or interview. MIDS welcomes employers to campus both in-person and virtually and we will work with your organization to optimize the timing of your activities to provide opportunities for all students to attend. Internships should start no earlier than May 7, 2024, and should end by August 29, 2024. Offers of full-time employment should include a start date after May 7, 2024.

MIDS Policy on Extending Offers


Providing sufficient time without undue pressure from company representatives allows students to evaluate their internship opportunities, therefore making the wisest decisions for all parties. To allow first-year MIDS students enough time to consider various opportunities, and to allow employers enough time to evaluate candidates, all employers are required to wait to extend internship offers (verbal or written) until November 30, 2024. These policies create a more positive experience for candidates and employers, making it more likely that employers will find a good match and less likely that a student will renege on an offer.

The fundamental terms of an internship offer—including annual salary, base signing bonus, performance bonus, relocation, and job function—must remain unchanged until the expiration date. Financial incentives encouraging students to commit before the deadline are permitted if incentives are small relative to the overall value of the offer and still allow the student a minimum of three weeks’ decision time.

Full-time Employment

Providing sufficient time without undue pressure from company representatives allows students to evaluate their employment opportunities, therefore making the wisest decisions for all parties. To allow second-year MIDS students enough time to consider various opportunities, and to allow employers enough time to evaluate candidates, all employers are required to abide by the dates listed below. These policies create a more positive experience for candidates and employers, making it more likely that employers will find a good match and less likely that a student will renege on an offer.

The fundamental terms of an employment offer—including annual salary, base signing bonus (including but not limited to cash and equity), performance bonus, relocation, and job function—must remain unchanged until the expiration date. Financial incentives encouraging students to commit before the deadline are permitted if incentives are small relative to the overall value of the offer and still allow the student a minimum of three weeks’ decision time.